Thursday, 21 March 2013

Case 19 - The BBC

BBC - Dropped the ball on this one chaps
Problem - The BBC is under constant pressure to justify its existence and that of the TV licence fee. It has been ever since the emergence of Sky in the '90s. And to a lesser extent, a much lesser extent, Channel 5. Christ, does anyone actually watch anything on Channel 5?! But I divulge. The Beeb, which has turned good, honest, decent taxpayers' money into My Family and Citizen Khan, among other monstrosities, is under constant pressure to deliver. This situation is not helped by the likes of the Newsnight child abuse broadcast bombshell, which played out like a boring murder mystery thriller, shaking public confidence in Auntie. We need to steady the ship.

Solution - The BBC has a lot going for it. We need to utilise these positives and weed out the shite.

1 - In times of crisis, roll out the Calming Influences. When something anti-BBC breaks, immediately throw something David Attenborough-fronted on BBC1 and chuck Terry Wogan onto BBC Radio 1. That ought to relax the masses, giving Beeb bosses the opportunity to handle whatever dire situation its got itself into.

2 - Throw the British taxpayer a bone by not taking the piss with their money. No more Miranda, Mrs Brown's Boys, My Family, My Hero, Citizen Khan, Not Going Out (featuring Miranda) or any other lowest common denominator, by the numbers sit-coms. I don't give a damn about the viewing figures. The Beeb has a duty of care to its audience. Churning out programmes like the above is the TV equivalent of force-feeding a baby McDonalds every day for a month. The baby may like Happy Meals but it doesn't make it right.

3 - Now that the BBC's got Chris Moyles off its roster, make it stay that way!

4 - Invest more in BBC 6 Music, which is good. Dump BBC Radio 1, which is not.

5 - Someone send Bruce Forsyth to "live on a farm".

6 - Late Night EastEnders (see our EastEnders entry - Ed)

7 - More Liza Tarbuck. Man, I love Liza Tarbuck.

8 - Less Robert Peston. I'd love to take a shovel to Peston's face. Repeatedly.

9 - No more BBC3. And no more shows with Will Mellor in them. We've seen enough.

10 - The Voice? Seriously. Bring back proper Saturday night TV. Start with Big Break. (Minus Jim Davidson, naturally) Go from there.

11 - Three posters shall be placed in all staff rooms; 'Don't Touch Kids', 'Report the News Impartially' and 'Stop Making Period Dramas'.

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